Cannabis and Cats: A Feline Guide to Marijuana, CBD, and Hemp Products

The facts about THC toxicity in cats, as well as CBD and hemp products for feline health. AUTHOR: DOROTHY HARRISLAST UPDATED: FEBRUARY 25, 2019

Weed Cat

Learning about marijuana and cats is crucial for owners who want to keep their feline friends safe and healthy.

CBD Products for Cats

“…When it comes to medical marijuana and cats, the safest route is to skip marijuana entirely and treat a cat with CBD. Because it’s effective at helping with pain, anxiety, depression, nausea, and a host of other ailments, many cat owners are finding that CBD is a natural alternative to other medications that don’t work as well or that have unpleasant side effects for their pet. Best of all, CBD won’t result in a high cat; unlike THC, CBD has no psychotropic effects.”…

“…The most common way to give a cat CBD is via CBD oil. It’s also known as cannabis oil, and it’s important that cat owners make sure that their cannabis oil is free of THC. (While cannabis oil derived from hemp will have insignificant amounts of THC, cannabis oil derived from marijuana can have low amounts of THC present.) Unlike marijuana or oils extracted from it, CBD oil derived from hemp (also known as hemp extract) is legal everywhere. CBD oil-infused treats are also available for owners who may have trouble getting their cats to consume the oil…”


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